Matilda here! I’m gonna tell u some of my plans for the winter..but first start with now.. So three month this summer I spent in Hawaii…doesn’t sound wrong ehh? It was awesome :) I worked as a volunteer, handing out food to homeless people, hanged around with kids that had it ruff home and of course surfed!
Now I’m home an studying to become a real-estate manager, it’s fun, but it’s not gonna be in the way from my snowboarding… I just stand on the board for the first time this weekend, at a railjam I helped arrange in my town :) Next time is gonna be at the boardtest weekend in Tandå yeahh Anyway my other plans is to do some stuff with DC, help arrange a Nikita camp and Nikita Chikita in Åre… And maybe go to Iran for a snowboard/mission trip! And of course compete some in Sweden and try to get some nice movieclip and pics… And then try to hang in at my school :)
See u in dah slopes!!

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